In Russia, upon marriage, a girl traditionally takes her husband's surname. It also happens the other way around, when the husband switches to his wife's surname. In these cases, there are certain reasons that make a man do it.

Since ancient times, when a girl went to another family, it was believed that she left her clan and became part of another clan. Therefore, she always switched to her husband's surname, that is, she took the name of this new genus. But even then it happened that the husband was from a lesser known and respectable class. Then he could take the name of his wife, becoming a member of the more famous family of the wife. If this happened before, now the transition of the husband to his wife's surname, although it raises questions, is not particularly shocking to anyone. According to the law of the Russian Federation, newlyweds have several options for changing their surnames. In article 32 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, spouses can change to any of the surnames, remain on their premarital surname, or take both. The choice is only theirs. Of course, when a husband chooses his wife's surname, it is curious to know the reasons for this decision.

The reasons
- One of the reasons may be that the spouse and her relatives are from an old family who continue to honor and preserve him. All descendants remain in their last name and do not want to change anything, even for the sake of their feelings. Thanks to this tradition and great love for his chosen one, the man agrees to continue the family, taking her last name.
- In the modern world, interethnic marriages are very common. When young people are faced with a choice not only of surnames, but also of the country to which they are going to leave after the celebration. The important question here is how and where it will be more comfortable for them to live, to bring up their children. In this case, the husband not only changes citizenship, but often takes the wife's surname if they decide to leave the country where the man lived and move to the wife's homeland.

- One of the reasons for changing the surname to the spouse's surname may be the attitude towards their parents, or rather to the father. For example, my son was raised by his stepfather. The child always felt that he had nothing to do with this surname. Marriage is the solution to his situation. He can easily change it to his wife's surname.
- The reason is business. Now very often a woman has her own business. She is known as the "mistress". She is also known for her last name. In this case, most likely, her husband will be known by her last name. This is an understandable reason when a man takes the last name of his influential wife, since her authority will “cover” his last name anyway.

The next reason is the most commonplace - this is when the surname of a poor husband simply sounds worse than that of his wife. This is perhaps one of the most common reasons why husbands take their wives' surnames. Why not? Often girls are in a hurry to get rid of their dissonant surname. Why can't a guy do this? How is it worse? It is possible that for a man in this case, changing his surname is a kind of chance to start a new life
But all this is not the most important thing. There could be even more reasons. The important thing is that both members of the new family decide, based on their relationships and feelings.