Now the country is dominated by gender equality, and the former family model, where a man was considered the unconditional head, is a thing of the past. Nevertheless, the role of the husband is still very significant. It depends on him in many respects whether the family will be strong, happy, or there will constantly be quarrels, scandals that threaten disintegration in it.

Step 1
First of all, you should understand that by getting married, you voluntarily assumed serious obligations and responsibilities, both to the woman who married you and to your future children. A real man should be the support of the family, its protector, and no equality of rights will cancel this truth. Therefore, it is necessary to behave so that the wife next to you is calm, comfortable, and she can proudly say: “For such a husband as behind a stone wall!”.
Step 2
Treat your wife with love, care, understanding. Women are more emotional and vulnerable, especially during periods determined by their physiology, so sometimes you have to be patient. But, of course, in no case should you indulge her in everything, turn into a henpecked one. This does not honor a man, and it will be a bad example for children. Respect should be mutual!
Step 3
Of course, a woman, in addition to her merits, has her drawbacks (as well as a man). But a loving husband will try to see only virtues in his wife, and will be condescending to her shortcomings. As a last resort, talk frankly with her, explaining what exactly in her habits and tastes you do not like, but in a tactful, polite manner. In no case should comments be tactless, let alone offensive.
Step 4
You must remember the wise truth: "Judge not by words, but by deeds." Of course, it is very important to praise your wife, tell her compliments and kind words. But along with this, you need to help her around the house. Any man can easily take on some part of the household chores, for example, vacuuming an apartment, taking out the trash, going to the grocery stores. A woman will appreciate such help.
Step 5
Your special love and care will be required during your wife's pregnancy. In the body of a woman preparing to become a mother, a real hormonal storm occurs, so pregnant women become highly irritable, often cry, fall into depression, become complex due to a deteriorated appearance, they can literally make a scandal out of the blue. Even if such a life seems like a real nightmare to you, restrain yourself and understand: this does not happen by the will of the woman, she is not to blame.
Step 6
When your baby is born, everything will return to normal. It is necessary to surround the wife with attention and care, to inspire her that everything will be all right, and for you she is still the most beloved and beautiful.