You need to play with your child from the first months of life. Fun games help to develop crumbs' attention, teach to distinguish objects. Many fun activities help your kid learn about the world around him.

Step 1
With children up to six months, you can play hide and seek. From about 1-2 months of age, the baby perfectly recognizes loved ones. When you hide from his gaze and appear with a smile and a loud "cuckoo", the child will smile back.
Step 2
It is useful to play rattles with such a crumb. Bright colors and funny sounds attract the baby, he reaches for the toy and learns to hold it. Try to choose very light rattles with a comfortable grip. Remember that from 2-3 months, the child begins to examine his hands for a long time and while lying on his back may not hold the toy. Secure your baby so that the rattle does not fall on his face. Try to talk to the child all the time and watch his actions - the baby will very soon highlight his favorite rattles.
Step 3
By six months, children already know how to sit and games change. At this age, offer your baby sonorous toys that you can knock on, such as a piano, a musical hammer, etc. Do not forget about the developmental rug - your child will find many interesting elements on it that you can touch, gnaw, pull.
Step 4
At the age of 4-6 months, the baby begins to salivate profusely, his gums itch. Be sure to offer your child teethers of different textures - silicone or filled, different in size. The child will try to chew them all and gradually select the most comfortable ones. Remember that all toys that small children put in their mouths must be hygienically cleaned daily and not given to other children.
Step 5
After 6 months, the baby begins to crawl, his interest expands significantly. This is the right time for traditional cars for boys and dolls for girls. Offer your baby bright toys of small sizes. If a boy shows interest in dolls, and a girl, on the contrary, in cars - do not be alarmed. Psychologists do not find anything unusual in this, the child learns everything interesting. Your little one is interested in pulling the doll by the hair or spinning the wheels of the typewriter.
Step 6
The kid grows up and begins to walk on his own by the age of one year. During this time, show your child how to play with the stroller and purchase special toys on wheels that have a comfortable handle. Such bright toys will not be left without children's attention, kids really like to lean on the handle and move them in front of them.
Step 7
Don't forget about games involving fine motor skills. Be sure to accompany the game with funny verses, massage your fingers, play with him. By the age of one, get your child interested in large wooden puzzles or a bright construction set.
Step 8
Read fairy tales and poems to your child, flip through beautiful illustrated pictures with him, pronounce the names of the characters, tell them what they are doing. The kid will be interested in music books with colorful buttons.