A child is a blank sheet, and what will be written on it depends on adults (parents or those who replace them) and the environment in which he lives and develops.

Character formation begins in the first months of life. But experts distinguish a special sensitive period for the formation of character, namely the age from 2-3 to 9-10 years. The main role in it belongs to the environment of the child, and, as a rule, to communication with the people around him. In actions and forms of behavior, the child usually imitates his relatives, close people.
Pay attention to how your actions are repeated by your own children (smoking, actions at a feast, etc.) and you will see for yourself that the above words are not empty. Also, do not forget about the role of television in the worldview of a child. Take a closer look, if the child's behavior is not similar to his favorite cartoon characters, computer games or your favorite films?
How would you like to see your child, what qualities and character traits would you like to bring up in him? Kindness and friendliness? Then do not pass indifferently by a stray dog - buy food at the nearest store and feed the animal. Be friendly, say hello to neighbors, greet friends and people around you. Respect and truthfulness? Treat older people and those with whom you disagree with understanding and respect. Try to be honest and open both with other people and with your own child, because you can always explain, clarify the situation and agree.
For children, not only our actions are important, but also our position in life: do we live as loving people who help each other and firm in their convictions, or does something make us angry, anxious, internally divided.
Be yourself worthy people, and your children will become such!