Personal Example As The Best Parenting Tool

Personal Example As The Best Parenting Tool
Personal Example As The Best Parenting Tool

How many modern parents are looking for information about the right upbringing. Reading many books, forums and recommendations of specialists, moms and dads want to find the ideal methods of upbringing. But at the same time, adults often forget about almost the most important way to influence the behavior of their child - their own personal example.

The spread of some bad habits in our society is simply appalling. How many people smoke, swear, throw garbage or drink alcohol on the street. Many of them have children of their own. If you ask such a dad about whether he wants his baby to swear, the father will surely say no. A parent with enviable persistence can lecture his child on how to behave correctly. But all exhortations will not bring any results. After all, a child is more willing to believe and follow examples of behavior, rather than words.

Drinking beer on a bench in the yard and swearing at the top of your voice are egregious examples of abhorrent adult behavior that children imitate. However, there are also less conspicuous cases. How many parents of schoolchildren complain that their children do not want to read? And how many teenage mothers are struggling with their sons and daughters' addiction to computer games? There are a lot of such families. But rarely do adults themselves think about how long ago they read a book or spent the evening talking to each other, and not watching TV.

Another example, more typical for babies: a child constantly crumbles cookies or bread in the room, refusing to fully eat at the table in the kitchen. Mom swears, constantly takes the baby to the table, trying to sit it on a chair even for a little while. And the result is zero. Maybe then she should first think about: when did their whole family have dinner together at the table in the kitchen? Or how often do other family members grab something from the table, and then run around the apartment with a piece of food, doing their own thing? Surely such patterns of behavior will be found. It turns out that dad is having dinner while watching TV on the couch, for example. Then it is simply hypocritical to demand that the child be careful in taking food.

Toddlers often forget to wash their hands after walking or before eating. In such situations, you can swear for a long time. But there is another less painful way - to wash your hands with him. It is very rare that adults themselves go straight to the bathroom when they come home. But if they do this constantly in front of the child and / or together with him, then the baby will perfectly consolidate such a skill.

Always before once again presenting demands to their child, parents should think about whether they themselves are setting an example of correct behavior? Are they doing what they want a toddler or teenager to do? The often difficult behaviors that moms and dads try hard and unsuccessfully to correct are their own model that the child has absorbed and adopted.
