Are you familiar with a situation where a lot of advice on raising children is poured from all sides? Agree, sometimes it is very annoying. And sometimes it does harm. Here are just 10 tips to ignore if you want to raise your kids happy.

1. It's okay, because he's a boy
When a child starts pushing, kicking, fighting, he must be stopped. And making a discount on the floor is the last thing. Otherwise, you can raise a man who, in family life, will easily raise his hand against his wife. You need it?

2. Why do you constantly praise your children? This cannot be done
Children should be praised for their good deeds. Otherwise, how will they know they did something right? In addition, pediatricians have noticed that simple parental praise contributes to the development of self-esteem and correct self-esteem in children.

3. Leave him (her) alone, let him cry
A small child should never be left alone with his problems. Parental support is very important to him. Therefore, if the baby is upset or crying, be sure to hug him, hug him, tell him that everything will be fine.

4. Do not punish the child, because he is still small
Of course, physical punishment must be removed from the upbringing system once and for all! Do not beat your children, do not traumatize their psyche. And if the child has done a bad deed, find another way to punish. For example, prohibit watching cartoons for several days or put them in a corner for a few minutes. This will help the kid understand that not all actions are good.

5. Do not worry, at school he will quickly learn to read
You shouldn't blame everything on the teachers. You need to understand that at school no one can pay due attention to your child. This means that learning to read there will be much more difficult for him than at home.

6. It's okay, let your child play some electronic games
Research by scientists has shown that playing on a computer negatively affects the development of children: their memory deteriorates, fine motor skills develop poorly. Of course, it will not be possible to completely protect the child from the computer, but try to limit the time that the child spends near him.

7. For severe tantrums the child must be punished
No way! If the child is crying a lot or throwing tantrums, he needs to be reassured, not punished. Necessarily! But this does not mean that you should yield to him in everything. Just hug, tell why you can't do what he wants, find a compromise.

8. Do not take your child in your arms, otherwise he will grow up spoiled
If the baby asks for the arms of his mother or father, he must be lifted and pressed to him. Do not be afraid to spoil the child, nothing of the kind will happen from hugging. Be careful not to give a crumb of your love. Otherwise, he will grow up very insecure.

9. Why doesn't the child listen to you? He must obey blindly
Quite the opposite is true. A child should not obey his parents in everything. He must have his own opinion on this or that matter. The task of mom and dad is to make sure that this opinion is correct and does not go beyond what is permissible. If you force the baby to blindly obey you, becoming an adult, he will perform all his actions under the influence of more authoritarian personalities.

10. You just let your child eat sweets, it's harmful
In fact, it is harmful for him to forbid him to eat sweets altogether. The child must know a sense of proportion. And your task, as parents, is to develop this feeling in him. Otherwise, you can wait for such a moment when the child will absorb tons of various goodies, when the parents do not see him.

Here are 10 tips not to follow when raising a child. Take care of your children, love them, give your care. Good luck!