When To Have Sex

When To Have Sex
When To Have Sex

Table of contents:


There are many different opinions about when it is best for a girl or boyfriend to have sex. The most suitable time for this is when both partners are physically and psychologically ready for the beginning of an intimate relationship, love each other and wish for intimacy.

When to have sex
When to have sex


Step 1

Many researchers, parents, and adolescents have different understandings of the ideal age for sexual initiation. Someone believes that as soon as a girl or young man is ripe for sex, they can begin an intimate relationship with a partner. In particular, marriages in the past were built precisely on this age boundary: as soon as a girl matured, that is, her period began, she could be easily married off. So in modern conditions, some girls and boys try sexual relations for the first time at the age of 13-14 years. However, parents and psychologists do not agree with this state of affairs and urge adolescents not to rush to the first sex and endure until the age of 16-20.

Step 2

The laws of many countries also do not stand on the side of too early intimate relationships. Until a girl reaches the age of 16-18 years, sexual relations with her can cost the young man freedom. The inclination to have sex can be of various nature: persuasion, threats to leave a partner, ridicule of friends. Therefore, in this situation, the correct sex education in the family and the support that parents can give are of great importance. It is important to explain to the child what sex life is, at what age it is most reasonable to start and what consequences it can have.

Step 3

It is necessary to start sex life for a girl or a guy when they are completely ready for this physically and psychologically. And here discrepancies with the chosen age are possible. The fact is that physically the body is ready for sexual intercourse at about the same age when the girl starts her period, that is, at about 13-14 years old, although it all depends on the characteristics of her body. However, psychologically, the girl may not yet be ripe for such a serious connection. At this age, pressure from peers who already have relationships with guys or even attempts by a young man to force her to start intimacy is possible on her. In no case should you agree to such agreements. You need to start sex life only when the girl feels that she loves this person and wants a close relationship with him.

Step 4

The conditions for starting an intimate relationship are also very important. It is necessary that young people have means of protection so that the first sexual intercourse takes place in a normal environment, and not at a party under the influence of alcohol. Hygiene in sexual life is just as important as affection for a partner, the desire to be with him.

Step 5

In addition, the maturity of the female body is also important. The onset of sexual activity is a signal for the body to be ready for a possible pregnancy. No one can be completely sure that a teenage girl will not get pregnant from a careless relationship. And at the age of 14-16, pregnancy will be a cruel test for an immature teenager. The female body is fully ready for the onset of sexual intercourse only 6 years after the onset of the first menstruation, usually this age ranges between 18 and 21 years. This time can be considered ideal for the beginning of sexual activity: the girl is already quite adult and reasonable, ready for a serious relationship and will be able to bear a child without health consequences, even with an unplanned pregnancy.
