How Men Relate To Virgins

How Men Relate To Virgins
How Men Relate To Virgins

Over the long history of mankind, the attitude towards virginity has changed significantly. If in the old days it was considered a shame to lose virginity before marriage, today many young people, on the contrary, are embarrassed to admit that they have no intimate experience. As for men, their attitude towards virgins can also be different.

How men relate to virgins
How men relate to virgins

In traditional culture, virginity was considered a factor that greatly enhances the value of the bride. For a man, the possibility of owning a woman who had never belonged to anyone helped boost self-esteem. Today, similar attitudes exist in various religious communities, where high standards of chastity and fidelity are still maintained.

In modern European and American society, preserving virginity before marriage has long been considered a relic of the past. In Russia, there are different opinions on this matter, and the decision to preserve or not preserve virginity until marriage is ultimately made by the girl herself.

Interestingly, despite the usual Western sexual emancipation, according to the results of a sociological study conducted in the United States, it turned out that 55% of the men surveyed would prefer to marry a virgin.

To this day, you can find many men who want a serious relationship with virgins. This generates a certain degree of trust and respect for the girl. In addition, she has no one to compare her lover with, which saves his pride from very sensitive blows.

However, many men are not at all happy about the prospect of building relationships with virgins. True, this applies, first of all, to those who do not want to find a permanent girlfriend and future life companion, but only a sexual partner for a short, easy affair.

A relationship with a virgin requires patience, which lovers of momentary carnal pleasures do not have. If for a man sex is only a source of pleasure that does not entail mutual obligations, he will prefer an experienced partner. Some men perceive sex, first of all, as a physical unloading, in which case virgins are also not suitable for them. After all, they need to be treated carefully and carefully, and such men are clearly not in the mood for this.

For the girl herself, the question of when to lose her virginity is purely individual. First of all, it is worth considering whether she is ready for this from a physiological and psychological point of view. After all, often the decision to lose virginity is influenced by others. The girl begins to think that she is not like everyone else, she does not want to feel unloved and unwanted, she is afraid that her virginity will become a reason for ridicule.

Sometimes the decision to lose virginity comes from the stories of a more experienced friend. However, do not forget that people tend to significantly embellish reality.

In any case, you should not lose your virginity in the arms of the first comer. It is better to keep it, if not until the wedding (although there is nothing reprehensible in this), then at least until the arrival of true love. In fact, for a loving person, the absence or presence of sexual experience in a beloved girl is not so important. If necessary, he will always be able to show patience and understanding.
