What Is The Reason For The Reluctance To Have Sex

What Is The Reason For The Reluctance To Have Sex
What Is The Reason For The Reluctance To Have Sex

There can be several reasons for unwillingness to have sex: banal fatigue, constant stress, unhealthy diet, monotony of sexual life. In fact, you can learn to deal with all of these problems without affecting your sex life.

Reasons for not wanting sex
Reasons for not wanting sex

Split in half

Talk to your husband, explain to him that when you came home in the evening, cooked dinner, washed, ironed the linen, did homework with the children, then in bed you only dream of falling asleep dead sleep. And if your husband wants you to have the strength for sex, then the best thing he can do is help you with household chores.


Try to get all thoughts of work out of your head. Use the little distraction tricks: walk after work, talk to your mom or your soul mate on the phone (and forget about them right away), take a bath with scented oil, watch your favorite TV show. You should leave your work troubles outside the threshold of the apartment, and even more so - the marital bedroom.


Many people laugh at women who are fond of love affairs, in fact, in vain. Of course, the bed scenes are not described very realistically, but you don't have to try to repeat them one-on-one. Reread the hottest scenes from your favorite novels for inspiration. Alone, or even better - watch an erotic film with your husband. Rough porn does not always excite women, and graceful erotica can wake up a sleeping erotic volcano. By the way, you can find beautifully filmed erotic scenes in ordinary Hollywood films of the nineties.


Couples who have lived together for many years often forget that hot, sensual kisses can arouse desire even in a marble statue. Instead of casually kissing your husband on the cheek before leaving for work, stay in the hallway for two minutes and give him a real kiss. You will see that your thoughts will flow in the right direction by themselves, and another item will appear in the logical chain of your affairs - "make love."

Watch yourself

A healthy sexual spirit lives in a healthy body. As soon as you say goodbye to lack of sleep, fatty fried pork and other gastronomic dangers for lunch, abundant dinners at ten o'clock in the evening, cigarettes, strong drinks and at the same time make friends with sports, then your body will automatically start thinking about sensual pleasures.

Stay alone

Remember the last time you spent time alone with each other, without children, friends, relatives and TV? Carve out an evening to spend together and talk: go to a restaurant, a movie, for a walk in the park. This evening does not have to end with sex, you just need to remind yourself that you and your husband are not just a social unit that is connected by common children and a mortgage, but a couple, partners, lovers.
