How Not To Lose A Loved One

How Not To Lose A Loved One
How Not To Lose A Loved One

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The most ridiculous little thing can cause a breakdown in a relationship. If you do not prevent conflict in time, run away from the dialogue, close yourself from the partner, the couple will not have to exist for a long time. If you don't want to lose your loved one, you need to find a common language and make compromises.

How not to lose a loved one
How not to lose a loved one


Step 1

If a quarrel is just brewing, so as not to lose a loved one, you need to try to eliminate the cause of the conflict. For example, the husband did not warn that he would be late at work. The wife is worried and, when the partner returned, begins to sort things out right away. To prevent this from happening, it is enough for the spouse to immediately apologize for the mistake, and promise not to do this again. And actually keep my promise. Such everyday little things, accumulating, very often lead to a break in relations. And it is much easier to settle a dispute that has not yet begun, apologizing and explaining why you did this, than then trying to restore a broken marriage.

Step 2

Always listen to the opinion of your loved one. Even if it doesn't seem right to you. In fact, each person sees the situation differently. And every perception of the world has a place to be. Try to understand why your partner thinks this way. Even if you do not accept his point of view, it will help you look at the situation from a different angle. In addition, the beloved will always be sure that he is respected and every statement is taken into account. Namely, mutual respect and understanding is the basis of long-term happy relationships.

Step 3

Try not to speak badly about what is valuable to your partner. For example, it’s better not to tell a football fan that his team played poorly. This will cause irreparable harm to his pride. A dispute, a quarrel and a showdown will surely begin. It is also not necessary to joke on sensitive topics. In general, always, before making a sneer or adding an unflattering comment, think about whether these words will offend the other half.

Step 4

Do not scold your loved one’s friends and relatives. These people were with him even before you arrived. And if he communicates with them, then they are dear to him. Try to befriend them and understand. At first glance, it is difficult to guess a person, so communicate with the environment of the second half more often. In addition, loved ones are powerful support not only for your partner, but also for you. But only if you find a common language with them and gain trust.
