How Relationships Can Ruin Your Health

How Relationships Can Ruin Your Health
How Relationships Can Ruin Your Health

Loners often look with envy at couples in love. How they look at each other tenderly and hold hands. Of course, at the sight of such an idyll of lonely people, a feeling of slight envy and annoyance seizes. However, in reality, not everything is so simple. Sometimes love relationships are accompanied by intense stress, anger, sadness, and uncertainty. All these negative emotions can cause significant harm to health.

How relationships can ruin your health
How relationships can ruin your health

The risk of developing heart disease


A broken heart is not a vivid comparison, but a harsh reality. A 2000 study published in the official journal of the American Medical Association found that women who are unhappy in their marriage are at 2.9 times more likely to have a heart attack than those who are not in a permanent relationship. Unmarried women who have an unhappy relationship with their beloved also run the risk of getting all sorts of cardiovascular diseases. So unhappy love can actually destroy the heart and significantly shorten the years of life.

Mental problems


Lonely people are less prone to mental problems than those who are in a dysfunctional relationship with their partner. Difficult relationships come with constant stress.

Divorces and partings always negatively affect the psyche of a woman. In 2003, an interesting experiment was carried out, for which 2303 women were selected. As a result, it turned out that women who have experienced several difficult breakups suffered from mental disorders much more than those who have been single all their lives.

Constant stress


An unhappy marriage is a constant source of stress for both partners. People who are unhappy in their marriage feel much worse than single people who have no permanent relationship.

Trouble at work


The tense situation in family life has a detrimental effect on the quality of work. Unhappy people often do their job very poorly. People who are disappointed in marriage are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure and feel constant fatigue, become inactive and depressed.

Long recovery from illnesses


Constant conflicts in the family lead to a decrease in immunity and a general weakening of physical health. As a rule, people who are unhappy in marriage suffer more severe forms of illness, and their recovery period is much longer than that of single people.

Patients with ongoing marital problems find it much more difficult to comply with the prescriptions of their doctors, for example, adhere to the prescribed therapeutic diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

It turns out that it is better to break off an unhappy marriage, and the sooner the better, otherwise you can seriously undermine your health.
