Love is a wonderful light feeling. Lovers soar above the ground, not noticing anything. But sad as it is, love can go away by breaking your heart. The most desperate girls decide on the most desperate step - the magic spell of their former lover.

Step 1
Contrary to popular belief, you can carry out the love spell rite yourself. The simplest and most popular love spell is a love spell from a photograph. For the procedure, you need a photograph of the former and his name.
Wrap the photo in a red cloth along with the coin.
The bundle must be wrapped with red thread, read the conspiracy and hidden in an inaccessible place. You need to read the following words: “Grandfather Kulek was looking for my bundle, He was looking, he was looking, but he only miscalculated. I couldn't find anything but he shook: Hands, legs do not bend, bones are shaking. The veins are naughty, they don't tell you to eat or drink. Let Kulek be my dear like grandfather. Without me - in the shaking, with me - in the dance, Without me food - quinoa, with me - sweeter than honey, Without me - a headache, the light is not visible, With me - the sun is clear, things are wonderful. Whoever finds the bundle will break the words, And before that - my happiness! Amen.
Step 2
Another popular conspiracy is a comb love spell.
It is necessary to stealthily remove the hair from the comb of the former lover, roll it into a ball and carry it with you until the plan comes true.
Step 3
You can charm your ex with a towel plot.
To do this, you need to take a new towel, make it so that only your beloved can use it, then immediately hide it, reading the following words: “Dear little hands washed, left on a towel. I will twist the towel - I will pinch my dear heart. A damp towel - the soul of my dear is aching for me, Towels to dry - my dear sigh for me. I'll hide the towel - I'll stick the dear one to myself. They won't untie the towel - my dear will show me love.
Step 4
Another option for a love spell is a conspiracy for wine, milk or water, preferably a saint. In this case, love words are read over the glass of the drink, then the liquid must be offered to the beloved man to drink.
Step 5
But remember that a love spell is a responsible business, so you need to take it seriously.