In our practical age, the issue of marriage is solved as rationally as, for example, buying a car. And this is not without its positive aspects. A deliberate and planned family life promises stability, prosperity, and sometimes happiness. Civil marriages always have an unreliable foundation and, apart from insecurity and complexes, rarely give a couple something.

Step 1
In order to get married faster, it is important to rationally use your time, opportunities, and new knowledge. Do not hope that the issue will be resolved by itself, and let the matter take its course. If a worthy gentleman has appeared on your horizon, then it's time to start the real hunting season. Free yourself from doubts, more confidence, and go.
Step 2
Most women who have firmly made the decision to get married make a simple, but at the same time fatal mistake: they actively begin to deal exclusively with themselves, as if they are going to marry outside the reflection in the mirror.
Step 3
Men - such a paradox - quite rarely choose to marry those whom they admire, and much more often marry girls who admire them. This saving golden rule must be learned by every girl who decides to get married. After all, it has long been known that male vanity rarely goes beyond the desire to be praised, even if he did not deserve it. That is why smart women seek to influence the character, habits of a man, and not his imagination.
Step 4
Your main strength lies in his weaknesses. In every male you can find at least something from the naked king. If love could not completely cover you, and you have retained the ability to think and act sensibly, then try to find his psychological complexes, and act on them. And do not even hesitate, because there is still no such superman who would resist before you.
Step 5
Free your head from the thought that you will not get a strong man. This is wrong. Quite the opposite. It is strong men who find themselves more vulnerable than others in mating games. It is important to learn how to skillfully and in time to press the red buttons.
Step 6
Confident and strong men quite recklessly respond and react to call signs such as "weak?", Their masculinity, generosity and superiority.
Step 7
Less confident men can be caught in guilt, jealousy, fear. Sentimental males will be yours if you can make them feel pity, or a deep sense of kinship. But try to immediately highlight his psychotype, and only then proceed to specific actions, influencing his psycho-complexes.