How To Keep A Man's Love

How To Keep A Man's Love
How To Keep A Man's Love

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Sooner or later, the first feeling (falling in love) goes away, and either disappointment comes, or love remains. But if you understand that this person is the one with whom you would like to stay for life, then you need to work on this and try to preserve the love of the man who is so dear to you.

How to keep a man's love
How to keep a man's love


Step 1

Do not "dissolve" in your man, take care to preserve yourself and your own interests. Do your favorite thing, you must have your friends, your hobbies, do not hang on it. Grow spiritually, work on yourself, constantly develop. First of all, you will do it for yourself, but your man will like it.

Step 2

Surprise him more often. A man should not have the feeling that you are like a book he has read. A man should feel constant interest in you, constantly discover some new qualities and dignity in you.

Step 3

You must understand that you cannot see your chosen one in a rosy light all the time, each person has periods of some cooling towards their partner. There is no need to panic and throw tantrums, remember the best times and know that they will return, you just need to wait quietly.

Step 4

Love yourself and accept who you are. A person who loves himself evokes the same feeling in others. But do not be afraid to share love with others, be a bright, positive person with whom it is simply pleasant to communicate, with whom you can share and discuss any topic.

Step 5

Try to communicate more often, but also make this communication better. Joint travel, nature trips, going to the cinema and restaurants. A change of scenery is all that allows you to revive feelings and once again feel for your man that he made the right choice.
