How To Conquer Your Husband

How To Conquer Your Husband
How To Conquer Your Husband

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If your husband has long ceased to look at you with admiration, you have lost the habit of his attention, and your communication consists exclusively of "duty phrases" - it is time to urgently change something in your family life.

How to conquer your husband
How to conquer your husband


  • - new wardrobe;
  • - subscription to the pool or fitness center;
  • - cosmetics;
  • - surprise gifts for the husband.


Step 1

Analyze why this happened in your relationship. Perhaps endless everyday problems "stuck" or, perhaps, you pay too little attention to your husband, "raking" endless affairs at home and at work? Draw the appropriate conclusions.

Step 2

Stand in front of a mirror and see how you look. What are you wearing, is your hair styled, is there any makeup on your face? After all, probably just like that - in a dressing gown and hair somehow collected, your husband sees you most of the time. If so, then it's time to take on yourself. Refresh your wardrobe, visit a beauty salon - feel like a woman.

Step 3

Get a gym or pool membership if your figure leaves a lot to be desired. Even if your husband consoles you and says that he likes you and that - fight with extra pounds, they do not decorate a woman. Reconsider your diet: exclude fatty, fried and salty foods from it. This will have a beneficial effect on your entire appearance, including the condition of your skin, hair and nails.

Step 4

Do not completely dissolve in a man - you should have your own interests. Find a hobby that you like, broaden your horizons, work on self-development. In this case, you will have something to talk about with your spouse, except for various everyday gossips. Give him a reason to be proud of you.

Step 5

Arrange surprises for your loved one, be it a trip for two to Venice or a set of erotic lingerie. By the way, do not forget about beautiful lingerie for yourself. Try to diversify your sex life, bring something new into it: for example, belly dancing, striptease or erotic games.

Step 6

More often arrange small family holidays, joint trips to the theater and cinema. Don't hide your feelings by turning into the "snow queen". Feeling the sincere warmth of your soul, tenderness and love emanating from you, seeing your irresistible smile, your husband will certainly answer you in kind.
