How To Be The Best For Girls

How To Be The Best For Girls
How To Be The Best For Girls

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Young men, whose love experience is still quite small, often ask themselves how to become the best for girls and make the beauties reciprocate. There are no secrets here. The main thing is to behave naturally and try to understand your partner.

How to be the best for girls
How to be the best for girls


Step 1

Before you start working on yourself, analyze which girls are interesting to you. It depends on which qualities you should highlight. Because you are unlikely to captivate an inveterate theatergoer, far from everyday problems, with your ability to hammer in a nail filigree, and a domestic cat, who most of all appreciates coziness and comfort, with your stories about spending the night in a tent in the rain.

Step 2

When you understand what you want from women, try to develop the appropriate qualities in yourself. In addition to specific character traits, there are those that all women like. Be sure to open them up in yourself.

Step 3

Become caring, not intrusive. Ask the girl how you can help her, but do not insist on your mandatory presence. Women really do not like when their opinion is not taken into account, and quickly part with too obsessive fans.

Step 4

Don't try to appear better than you really are. The girls quickly recognize the falsity and are very offended, realizing that they were deceived.

Step 5

Be gallant. Open doors in front of the girl, help her out of the car, take heavy bags. But don't overdo it. You don't need to take a small handbag, as well as make constant fussy movements in order to protect your beloved from the simplest actions. This is regarded as an encroachment on freedom of action, which is also not very popular with women.

Step 6

Be jealous, but not too much. You shouldn't throw up a scandal if the girl decided to meet her friend alone. She is not going to cheat on you with the first person she meets, she just wants to chat on women's topics that are not interesting to you.

Step 7

Respect your girlfriend and appreciate being around. Consult with her, but do not make her take responsibility for all decisions. Give her freedom, but also take care. Then you will become the best man in her life.
