How To Hint To Marry

How To Hint To Marry
How To Hint To Marry

Table of contents:


You have finally met the man of your dreams. Imagine a chic wedding dress that you will wear on your happiest day. Only now he is in no hurry to take you to the registry office. How can you hint to him about your desire to marry him?

How to hint to marry
How to hint to marry


Step 1

Here you need to act delicately so as not to frighten off the man and not be further alone. It is necessary to gradually accustom him to the idea that he cannot do without you.

Step 2

To do this, start with "feeding". Learn to cook a few signature dishes and, inviting him to your place, treat him with something new. A man always loves to eat deliciously. Cook something specific: meat, pies, dumplings.

Step 3

Surround him with care and attention. If you already live together, offer him a fresh shirt or T-shirt every day, keep his things clean. If he doesn't like to keep order, don't scold him for scattered socks and newspapers. Collect everything and fold, and at the right moment, meekly serve it to him.

Step 4

Do not try to re-educate him. Admire him more often, even for the most insignificant reason, praise him for the most ordinary little thing he did in your common house: nailed a shelf or took out the trash.

Step 5

Listen to your chosen one more often. Even if he tells you moments of a football match that are completely boring for you or sums up the results of the conference. If you don't understand much in his speech, try to assent and nod your head more often, agreeing or surprised (depending on the circumstances). He should see you as a grateful listener and understanding interlocutor.

Step 6

If you know his mom, be sure to try to please her. Just try to do it sincerely, otherwise she will immediately feel false. Tell me what a smart son she has, praise her dress style, ask for the recipe for the dish she used to treat you.

Step 7

Invite happy couples to visit. Let your loved one look at their relationship and understand that marriage is not scary at all. Visit friends who have small children yourself, play with him with the baby, perhaps he will have a desire to acquire the same.

Step 8

When he finally gets used to your care and attention, suddenly disappear for a few days. Tell them that you urgently need to go to your aunt in another city. Let him understand how difficult and uncomfortable it is without you.

Step 9

Do not impose on him in any way. Don't talk about wanting to marry him. With this persistence, you will only scare him, and he will understand that all your efforts were to marry him to yourself.
