When your little one is unhappy with something, he may fall to the floor, kick or scream. Very often in such a situation, parents are lost, believing that their methods of upbringing are wrong. However, do not despair. To help your baby change behavior and not be capricious, you need to figure out why he behaves this way.

First you need to understand that a child is not an adult in miniature, and he has not yet learned to cope with his emotions. Also, at the age of 2-3 years, the baby begins to assert itself. Up to this age, parents have always met the needs of their child. Now the roles have changed. Parents are in no hurry to fulfill all the whims of the toddler, but on the contrary, now he must obey and obey his dad and mom. It can be difficult for a baby to come to terms with this, and he protests, throwing tantrums.
What can be done?
In this situation, try to distract the baby first, perhaps by offering something to play or just a toy. If that fails, stay calm and try to ignore his tantrum. Sometimes it happens that a scene takes place in a public place and is seen by others. In this case, don't give in anyway. The child will understand that in this way he can achieve what he wants, and the next time he will do the same.
If possible, take your baby to the side, take him in your arms and wait for him to calm down. In no case shout at the crumbs and do not use force, this will only add fuel to the fire. It is better to calmly explain later that you really did not like his behavior, but you are sure that he will not do so again.
If the baby is naughty at home, you can take him to another room and leave him alone for a while. Seeing that they are not paying attention to him, the child can quickly calm down.
It is very important that your tactics do not change. Of course, a child's whims will not stop the first time. But if you react to them correctly, then gradually they will end.