The parent's job is primarily to teach the child to express anger in socially acceptable ways. To begin, help your child to be aware of and verbalize his feelings. For example, "You are now very angry with your mom", "You are very upset that dad took your phone away from you." It would be nice to help the child in this way not only in expressing anger, but also to designate his other feelings: surprise, fear, joy, disgust. Understandable feelings are easier to control.

The example of parents plays an important role. If parents in anger throw things, scream and break dishes, it is foolish to punish the child for the same behavior. He simply strives to be like a mom or dad, because in the eyes of a small child, parents are the very perfection and embodiment of the whole world. Even when you are angry, demonstrate the “correct” behavior in front of the child. Say something like, "I'm very angry right now because you broke my vase." You have the right to be angry with the child as well. The question is how you yourself manifest your anger.

You should not give the baby change and punish him physically. If you can hit him, then why can't you hit mom or little sister? And how can there be a safe world in which even the closest and closest people hurt?
Teach your child different ways to express anger. Play with him in the "angry bear" who stomps his feet and growls when he is dissatisfied with something. Try to blind or paint your anger together. Offer to break the pillow or tear the paper when the baby is really angry. Also, if the child is angry with you, arrange a pillow fight or play paper snowballs together. This will greatly help both him and you to relieve tension and return joy to your relationship.
And finally, ask yourself a question: is it the child? Children feel good about their parents and the environment in the family. Without realizing it, they express that tension and that nervousness that adults carry within themselves. If you understand that this is just your situation, try to restore balance in the family, take care of yourself, calm down, relax, please yourself with something. Remember that happy and calm children have happy and calm parents.