Probably, there are no parents who did not face the fact that their beloved child achieved his goal, using tears and screams. But helping a child to stop being capricious is a feasible task. To do this, you need to understand what prompts him to do this.

Small children are not capable of self-control, so all their emotions and feelings are on their faces. In addition, with age, they understand that it is not their parents who obey them, but vice versa. This can cause internal protest, manifested in the form of tantrums, with which the child tests the patience of adults.
Learn to understand your baby. Children react more sharply to setbacks and difficulties. By looking at the situation through the eyes of your child, you can better understand their feelings and motivations.
Don't lose control when your child has a tantrum. Try to ignore his behavior as much as possible. Remembering the reason for the tantrum will make it easier for you to stay calm.
Hold on to your words and don't let up slack. Children are good psychologists, succumbing to their provocation, wait for it to repeat again and again. Therefore, calmly show your position.
Be patient. Do not expect tantrums to end instantly, especially if the baby realizes that you are giving in to manipulation. By showing patience and being consistent in your words and actions, you will contribute to the fact that tantrums will gradually come to naught.