Long summer school holidays contribute to the weaning of the child's body from the strict daily routine. As a result, with the beginning of the school year, many children have difficulty entering the new regime. Attentive and caring parents can help their child most painlessly transfer the period of adaptation to school.

During the adaptation period, the child re-gets used to early awakenings, a long stay in class and completing assignments after school. Parents at this time should show considerable sensitivity and care, the best way to help in this situation is to go through a difficult period of adaptation with their child.
Start preparing for the school year in August - repeat the material you have covered, gradually change the free regime of the day, re-teaching the student to go to bed earlier and get up earlier.
At the beginning of the school year, do not rush the child, do not scold him for inattention, do not force him to study lessons through force. Please note that the average time it takes to adjust to school depends on the age of the student. For elementary school students, it is about a month and a half, for 5-6 graders - one month, for 7-11 grades - 2-3 weeks.
Make sure to reduce all kinds of stress on the child's psyche during the period of adaptation to school. Limit watching TV and computer games during the day of the child, take care of his sufficient stay in the fresh air, provide him with a rational diet with a lot of vitamins. The student's sleep should be at least 8-9 hours a day.
If the problem of adaptation concerns a first grader, then you need to show special patience and understanding. Create the most favorable daily routine for the child, teach the little student the correct attitude to failure, awaken in him the desire to do better and better with his studies. Attending kindergarten is a good preparation for the school routine.
The first academic year is not only the most difficult, but also the most responsible. Whether the parents will be able to support the child's cognitive interest, whether they will contribute to the development of his independence - the success of the student in studies in the next grades directly depends on this.