As the baby grows up, parents begin to prepare him for attending kindergarten.

The time of the onset of "adulthood" is individual in each case, but most often it occurs at the age of 2-3 years. Usually, by this time, the child begins to walk and talk confidently, and the leave to care for the baby ends, and the mother is already tired of staying at home all the time, dreams of going back to work and starting to contribute to the family budget.
Sometimes it happens that grandmothers express a desire to sit with the child until the start of the school period. But we assure you that this is not the best way out: a "home" child has weak socialization skills, often grows up withdrawn and shy, which can greatly hinder him in the future when entering school. Those children who came to the class from kindergarten behave much more freely: they are active in the classroom, are not afraid to answer at the blackboard and more easily establish relationships with peers. Therefore, the kindergarten is an extremely important step in the life of a little person.
Preparation for it should be started 2-3 months before the start of visits with a change in the daily routine. The child should get used to the need to get up in the morning and go to bed in the evening at a strictly defined time without whims and tears. He should also eat on time, teach him to independently manage a spoon and a mug - the direct responsibility of adult family members.
A special topic is diapers. Making life easier for adults, they sometimes create very serious problems for the baby. Even very young children should not be constantly “packaged” in this widely advertised product, and by the age of 1, 5 - 2 years, the child should gradually completely wean from it and begin to use the potty regularly. Without a solid mastery of this essential hygiene skill, his stay in the kindergarten will be very difficult.
If you can choose a kindergarten, stop at one that has good reviews from relatives and friends, even if such an institution is located a little further than the garden around the corner.
It is better if someone brings the child there, with whom it is easier for the baby to part than with his mother: this will help to avoid whims and tantrums on his part, and the mother will be calmer this way. But in any case, during the first 2-3 months, he should have a “sparing schedule”: it is psychologically difficult for a baby to immediately stay with strangers for the whole day, so at first you need to pick him up from the kindergarten early. If mom does not have the opportunity to come home from work earlier, try to negotiate with relatives - perhaps someone can help.