The child should be weaned from the nipple at 11-12 months, when the active development of speech begins. Here are some ways to wean your baby off the nipple that won't hurt him.

Remember, do not use the pacifier when the baby is naughty or crying. In such situations, it is better to simply distract him with a game or business. Let there be only one pacifier in the house initially, and use it only when the child is sleeping.
The first fun way to say goodbye to a pacifier is to shop. Tell your baby about a store where you can buy any toy for a pacifier. Talk to the seller in advance and go to this store with your child. Let the child choose the toy he likes and give the pacifier to the seller at the checkout.
Another way is to invite a friend with a very small child to visit, or talk to a young mother with a baby in a stroller. Let your baby give the baby a pacifier when they meet. Talk to your child in advance that he has become an adult and should give his pacifier to someone who still needs it. It is advisable that in exchange for the pacifier, your child receives some kind of toy. Take care of this in advance.
Another option is to plant the pacifier in a flower pot. Prepare thoroughly for this ritual. Have the baby put the nipple in the hole with his own hand and bury it. Tell him that if he lands a pacifier, there will be a surprise. After a few days, instead of a pot with a pacifier, put some kind of flower with large branches in the same pot. And let sweets, fruits, small toys appear on this flower or next to it once a week. This will greatly delight your child.
Also, teach your child to drink from a cup. If you are weaning a baby off a pacifier, there should be no pacifier bottles.