Parents are often preoccupied with the child's inattention when he comes to first grade. Usually, the child may not write homework because he did not notice it or decided that it was not needed. This negatively affects the student's academic performance. Of course, this is frustrating for parents, and they are looking for ways to deal with this problem.

Of course, parents do not need to scold the student for not being attentive. It practically does not depend on him in any way. Mindfulness must be developed over time. It will also be wrong to force the child to do something within the framework of the study.
Most likely, this will not bring any results, but will only strengthen the negative attitude towards learning. First you need to find the reasons for this inattention and try to eradicate them.
Below are a few possible reasons
- Inattention can be associated with hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder. In this case, all actions must be consistent and logical, and it is necessary to teach the child, having consulted with a psychologist and a doctor in advance, because inattention is typical for such children. They cannot concentrate on one task.
- Lowered immunity can also cause this problem. In this case, the child must be provided with a regimen and adequate sleep.
- In addition, a feature of the child's nervous system, which parents may not be aware of, can affect a child's attentiveness.
- It is possible that the student has a busy schedule. If the kid, in addition to school, attends several circles or sections, then he may not have time to do his homework, he may not fall asleep and be very exhausted. All this can affect not only the child's studies, but also his health.
- Features of a specific age. If the child is less than 9 years old, then inattention is one of the consequences of age.
- There is not strong enough motivation to study. In kindergarten, all work is turned into a game, into entertainment. At school there is strict discipline, everything is boring and monotonous. It also reduces interest in learning. Children become extremely inattentive.
In order to develop the child's attention, you can play various educational games with him. In addition, the participation of parents in the child's educational life is very important.
They need to be interested in his deeds, successes, encourage and praise. Also, mom or dad needs to teach the child that homework should be checked for mistakes immediately, so its effectiveness increases.
If you follow all the rules, then the child will soon be able to please the parents with their successes. And this will be the merit of his mom and dad.