How To Entertain A Child 2-3 Years Old

How To Entertain A Child 2-3 Years Old
How To Entertain A Child 2-3 Years Old

At the age of 2-3 years, most children already show interest in general educational and creative pursuits that require perseverance and patience. The toys themselves are no longer enough for the child. He is interested in how they are arranged, how they differ from each other, in what unusual way they can be used. According to psychologists, it is during this period that an interest in creativity, reading or sports is laid, which can later develop into a serious hobby.

How to entertain a child 2-3 years old
How to entertain a child 2-3 years old

Child development 2-3 years old

At the age of 2-3 years, children are very mobile, willingly involved in various games in nature, frolic in the playground. But also during this period there is a natural leap in the mental development of the child. The kid shows independence and feels his importance. At this age, children are open to contact with the world, learning about the objects around them. In most children, a sharp development of speech is observed: the stock of new words is replenished and the speech apparatus is formed. During this period, the child begins to understand what is good and what is bad, the foundations of social behavior are laid. Creative skills are developed.

Parents should definitely find time to study with their child. And although the baby can learn about the world independently, it depends on the parents how exactly the child will perceive the information, how he will react to it, and what conclusions he will make about it. For normal physical and mental development, two or three educational games a day are enough. Moreover, long-term classes will not be beneficial, because at 2-3 years old the child is simply not able to concentrate for a long time. Games should be varied. It is advisable to alternate sports, creative and educational activities.

Knowledge of the world

At the age of 2-3, children become more attentive to detail. To develop these skills, parents can use familiar toys, presenting them from a new angle. Examine the pyramid. Which rings are big and which are small? Are they the same or different colors? Name colors and shapes. Compare the objects around you. The child will gladly sort out the spoons, separating the large from the small ones, or help you with household chores. Try to involve your baby in everything you do yourself. And, being on the street, acquaint the child with the phenomena of the surrounding world. During this period, natural processes are revealed to the child in a new way: wind, snow, rain.

Physical activity

Toddlers 2-3 years old are full of energy. Let your child discharge by taking walks in the fresh air. Don't worry about getting your clothes or hands dirty. Children need physical activity, in addition, long walks strengthen the immune system and have a positive effect on the emotional state of the child. Sandpit practice is also very important. Sculpting figures and pouring sand soothes the nervous system and develops fine motor skills.

Do a little outdoor exercise: a few squats, stretches, bends, ball exercises. As a rule, children 2-3 years old willingly repeat the movements of adults. Such physical activities will be useful for both the baby and his mother.

Educational activities

For 2-3 years, the development of a child's speech through reading poetry, nursery rhymes, fairy tales is relevant. When looking at the pictures, introduce new concepts that say action, color, shape, etc., for example, if the picture shows a chicken, tell us what she is doing, what color her feathers are, how many chickens are next to her. Encourage your child to speak new words. Ask leading questions.

The kid's acquaintance with the alphabet continues. By this age, you need to purchase sound posters, letter cards, magnetic alphabet, slate or marker board. Start learning the numbers. You can count anything: fingers, cubes, etc. 2-3 times a day, you can arrange a repetition of the material studied.

Creative pursuits

Surely your child is already familiar with drawing. Finger paints were replaced by real ones. Diversify your activities with all kinds of glitters, stickers, self-developing coloring books, and more. Give the child the opportunity to create, or, if the child is not plodding, invite him to complete some task: paint a chicken, draw a house, etc.

For this age, modeling from special plastic masses is also relevant. As a rule, sculpting kits contain various molds, presses, syringes for curly extrusion. Invite your child to create a homemade plasticine menagerie or ice cream in cups together. Such classes develop creative thinking, imagination, logic and fine motor skills well.

If your child enjoys listening to music since infancy, expand the range of musical genres, invite him to learn a dance with you, or study children's musical instruments. Perhaps this is the baby's first step towards a career as a musician.
