Symptoms of thrush can appear not only in an adult woman, Candida does not spare anyone. As a rule, thrush in young girls manifests itself in the form of urogenital candidiasis, which implies damage to the genitals.

Many mothers do not know that a child may also have thrush; children's clinics do not provide sufficient information on this matter. Aspects of the reproductive health of a future woman are laid in the prenatal period, and diseases and disorders in the "genicological part" at an early age are fraught with consequences, including possible infertility. Thrush in girls proceeds as vulvovaginitis, affecting the vestibule and the mucous membrane of the vagina, as well as the vulva.
Where does thrush come from
Girls, with rare exceptions, do not inherit thrush from their mother during childbirth. In older girls, candidiasis may result from the use of antibiotics. After a 2-year period of life, the disease may arise due to adults' inattention to the daughter's intimate hygiene, allergic reactions and a high percentage of colds.
In adolescence, the danger of "children's candidiasis" increases due to hormonal changes and during the menstrual cycle. In the vaginal epithelium, the number of lactobacilli can be reduced, which leads to a lack of estrogen, all this acts as ardent competitors of natural vaginal fungi.
A surge of candidiasis in girls can occur during early intimate contacts, when there is no knowledge about the purity of such a relationship. The disease also manifests itself in disorderly relationships that proceed without the use of barrier agents.
Etiology of thrush
In girls, thrush symptoms appear in the mouth, skin, and intestines. This may be due to appropriate hygiene conditions, diets and hospital stays. The uncontrolled intake of corticosteroid drugs, antibiotics and cytostatics can provoke the disease. This is due to the fact that such agents are able to reduce the amount of secretory immunoglobulin, which is responsible for the resistance of the child's body to pathogenic factors.
If a girl complains of itching in the vaginal area, burning sensation when urinating, a visual examination of the genitals should be performed. Itching can cause sleep disturbances, which can lead to tearfulness and irritability when awake. The genitals of the girl with thrush are edematous with discharge, on the walls you can see a gray-whitish bloom. The curdled layer can hide redness and scratching. If you do not visit the doctor's office in a timely manner, the pathogenic microflora will move to the urinary system, which will lead to problems with the kidneys and bladder.