Nutrition is the main function of the body. What we eat and how much affects our health and appearance. A growing body needs healthy and quality food. Children and adolescents need enhanced nutrition and parental supervision. But what about children who are hard to force to eat. They can walk for hours without the slightest bouts of hunger.

Children, like adults, have their own natural constitution. Some have a ravenous appetite regardless of the season or mood. Others eat in moderation based on various factors. But, both those and others eat enough to provide their body with everything it needs. But, many moms have force-feeding tactics. And then, the appetite disappears completely. Never force your child to finish eating all of the food on the plate. This rule will cause a complete loss of appetite in some children. The mother's task should not be for the child to eat, but that he has a desire to sit down at the table to eat. Nature has taken care of innate instincts that will definitely not allow the baby to starve to death. Look at it easier. Get creative with the assignment. Make breakfast in the form of a figurine of a fish or a spider. For example, the middle of a scrambled egg spider, cucumber legs, draw eyes for him with ketchup. This approach will not leave indifferent either big or small children. A child will definitely have an appetite from just one glance at a plate of food.
Sometimes the child eats too monotonous food. For example, borsch, pasta and sandwich. But, there is nothing wrong with that. This behavior won't last forever. For a while it will be so, but later he will begin to include in his diet foods that his body will need. But, if this condition lasts a long time, consult your doctor, perhaps he will prescribe you additional vitamins.
Also, some mothers use the lure method with meals. They tell a fairy tale every time, or show a new toy. This method can be used, not often, during illness, or simply feeling unwell. Once a child gets used to such a ritual, it will not be easy for him to wean. Therefore, there should be a measure for everything. No wonder there is a saying: "When I eat, I am deaf and dumb." Explain its essence to an older child. How to behave at the table. To make food a real pleasure. Let him get used to not being pampered at the table. And Bon Appetit.