The kid eats with appetite at a party, but does not want to be at home for anything? He loves the porridge that your grandmother cooks, but turns away from yours? In this case, it is worth taking a couple of cooking lessons from your mother or mother-in-law. But if everywhere and everywhere the toddler grimaces at the sight of soup, porridge, pâté or pancakes, this should alert. Perhaps you have a little gourmet growing up - he eats what he likes with appetite and refuses unloved dishes. But if the list of “favorites” is limited only to pasta, it is worth visiting a doctor and taking measures to increase your appetite.

Add liquids and sweets
Excessive fluid intake takes up a significant portion of the usable stomach volume and creates a false feeling of fullness. Therefore, try not to drink too much during the day, and do not make his drinks sweet. Then it will be easier to quench your thirst, and your appetite will not suffer.
Also, the crumb should avoid snacks (this does not apply to fresh fruits and vegetables) during the day, buns, cookies, buns, waffles … These foods have a lot of "empty" carbohydrates that lead to satiety. After them, I don't feel like eating wholesome food. So if you can't do without such delicacies, leave them for dessert (offer later when porridge, stew or borscht are eaten).
Walk a lot
The child needs to be outdoors as long as possible! Pediatricians and nutritionists keep repeating this. In good weather, walk with your baby several times a day for at least a couple of hours in a park or by a pond. This helps to normalize appetite and allows for physical activity, and, accordingly, energy consumption (after all, the baby jumps, runs, plays with a ball), which the child will replenish from food.
Have picnics
If you can't get out of the city on weekdays, try to organize a family and do it at least on weekends - the air is much cleaner there. And if you are going on a journey, be sure to think about what you will feed your baby on a picnic, and bring a tablecloth, appropriate dishes and provisions, of course. By the way, it is not uncommon for a toddler to come running in the fresh air to have such an appetite that he eats two or three times more than usual, and even that which he would not try at home. Consider this and get ready!
Let the kid cook too
A great way to whet your child's appetite is to get them interested. So involve your baby in the process of making different dishes! Have him beat eggs with a mixer, paint funny faces on jelly with cream, or decorate the pate with parsley leaves or cranberries.
Naturally, you will tell and show how and what to do. And also be sure to praise and encourage. But who, after directly participating in the preparation of the dish, will refuse to taste it? Especially if mom and dad praise the masterpiece and do not forget to celebrate the merits of the little cook.
Apply mini portions
Don't put huge portions on your baby's plate. Better find out how much the child should eat approximately. The daily amount of food for children from one year to one and a half years is approximately 1200 g, from one and a half to two - 1300 g, in the third year - about 1500 g. In other words, one meal with 5 meals a day at the age of one and a half years accounts for 240 -250 g, with 4 meals a day at the age of one and a half to two years - about 300 g, and in the third year - 350-370 g.
However, keep in mind that these are approximate norms. In the heat, during the illness, during the period of active growth, they can change. If the deviations are minor, then don't worry too much. But if the portions are twice as different from the norm, and the crumb does not eat them even against the background of excellent health, try increasing the number of feedings.