"Creon 10000" is an effective drug that specialists can prescribe for the treatment of disorders of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in a child.

Indications for use
Prescription of the drug "Creon 10000" for children is made in several main cases. The first group of disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, for the treatment of which it is used, is a consequence of problems with intestinal motility. This, in turn, can lead to constipation or, conversely, loose stools, bloating, and other unpleasant symptoms.
The second category of disorders in which Creon 10000 can be prescribed is associated with insufficient enzyme activity in the process of food digestion. It can lead to nausea, heartburn, and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Finally, the third category of disorders in which it can be useful is situations associated with various manifestations of food allergies: experts say that the course of taking the drug "Creon 10000" can significantly reduce the severity of this problem or completely eliminate it.
Mode of application
During clinical trials of this medical product, it was proved that Creon 10000 is a completely safe medicine that can be used even in the treatment of infants. However, care should be taken to ensure that the dosage at each dose does not exceed the maximum permissible, since otherwise negative reactions of the body may occur, such as constipation or diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, allergies or other unpleasant symptoms.
So, for a child recently born, experts recommend not to exceed a daily dose of 10,000 units of the drug. For children under the age of 1, 5 years, the maximum daily dose is 50 thousand units, over 1, 5 years old - 100 thousand units. In order to ensure more effective absorption of the drug into the mucous membranes and thereby increase the effectiveness of its action, it is necessary to combine the intake of the drug "Creon 10000" with the intake of food in a solid or liquid state.
If the doctor has prescribed your child to take significant daily doses of the drug "Creon 10000", you can use other forms of its release: for example, the manufacturer also produces this drug in the forms "Creon 25000" and "Creon 40,000". At the same time, drinking plenty of fluids both at the time of administration and throughout the day will help to reduce the likelihood of some side effects when taking significant doses of the drug, for example, constipation or other disorders of intestinal function. In addition, it is necessary to carefully monitor the expiration date of the drug used: in addition to the fact that an expired drug can be hazardous to health, it will not bring the desired effect, since the effectiveness of the drug decreases by the end of the shelf life.