Children, as a rule, rarely have a headache, but if your child complains of headache to you, then you cannot ignore it.

In most cases, headaches torment children if the child has a fever. The first step is to pick up a thermometer and check these guesses. If it is found that the child has a small, but still, fever, he needs to stay at home. Send him to bed, give him tea with honey and call the doctor.
If the child suffered from a runny nose for a long time, then his paranasal sinuses could become inflamed. This phenomenon is not uncommon among preschool children. It is easy to check this - if a child feels that the pain intensifies when he tilts his head or jumps, then the likelihood that he has sinusitis is high. Immediately contact your ENT, who will most likely send you for an x-ray.
Is your child recently at school? There is a possibility that his eyesight begins to deteriorate. Ask your child if pain occurs at the end of the school day? If so, you should visit an ophthalmologist who will look at the fundus and assess vision, as well as advise eye gymnastics.
Children who spend a lot of time at the computer often suffer from headaches. Overvoltage is the reason in this case. Relaxation will help massage the neck area and the back of the head. Consider if you can limit the amount of time your child spends at the computer.
Headaches in children are no joke, you need to find the cause of these concerns. Under pains of this kind, various diseases can be hidden, which sometimes is not so easy to identify.