Gargling is one of the treatments for tonsil disease. Irrigating mucous membranes with medicinal solutions, you kill pathogenic bacteria, relieve inflammation. Children should be taught to gargle patiently and in a playful way.

Step 1
Start by rinsing your mouth. The child is accustomed to swallowing water that gets into his mouth, but if you show how you can release trickles of water, then the baby will definitely be interested and try to repeat it. Explain to your child that it is necessary to rinse the mouth after eating so that the teeth do not hurt.
Step 2
First, teach him to clear his throat - try irrigating the mucous membranes with a spray bottle or a small medical pear. Tilt the baby over the bathtub (so that the water flows down from the mouth), ask him to open his mouth and water the cavity with plain water, trying to turn the instrument so that the water reaches the tonsils. If the child does not have a vomiting reflex, then the procedure will not give him much discomfort, and gradually it will be possible to proceed directly to independent gargling. If the baby reflexively squeezes the throat, then it is better not to use this method - try to gargle immediately, standing with your head thrown back.
Step 3
Start teaching your child to gargle with clean boiled water, because even if he swallows a little, it will not be scary. Gradually, when the baby learns to control his movements, it will be possible to try to gargle with medicinal solutions, which are undesirable to swallow.
Step 4
Tell your child a story about a cockerel choking on a grain of beans. Show how the cock tries to pull out the seed by filling his mouth with water and bubbling it. At first, the child will not get anything, but if you train every day, then gradually he will understand how you can gurgle with water.
Step 5
Use different games to show your child how to gargle, why it is important and necessary. Show on dolls and toys how to treat a throat, fake illnesses in various characters, play doctor. Gargle yourself as an example to your child. Involve the rest of the family in this - let your dad and grandparents take turns showing you how to do the procedure. Remember to ask your baby to say the letter "a" and stretch it out as long as possible while rinsing. Repeat with him so that the child is not distracted, otherwise he may choke and get scared, which will reinforce the negative attitude towards rinsing.