Currently, due to a change in the nature of nutrition, the introduction of new products, most people do not get enough basic nutrients, including vitamins. This is especially important for children. Children, unlike adults, grow rapidly, which requires a rational and nutritious diet.

The effect of vitamins on the child's body
The choice of this or that vitamin depends on the age of the child, whether he has an individual intolerance to certain vitamins. In addition, the dose is largely determined by the degree of vitamin deficiency. It can be hypovitaminosis - a moderate lack of one or another vitamin, vitamin deficiency - a severe degree, there are also so-called polyhypovitaminosis.
It is desirable that vitamins taste good, especially for young children. When buying, you need to pay attention to the expiration date, indications and contraindications and select the optimal dose. Each vitamin regulates a particular type of metabolism.
Vitamin A, retinol - normalizes the vision of children, improves the structure of the mucous membrane and skin, which is important for a growing organism. Vitamin D is needed by a child to prevent rickets, it participates in water-salt and mineral metabolism, ossification. With its lack, children develop rickets or softening of the bones.
Vitamin E, tocopherol - helps to increase muscle strength, improves performance. It plays an important role for school-age children with high physical and mental stress. In addition, it regulates the function of the internal glands.
Vitamin K, phylloquinone - is part of the blood coagulation system. The most important of the water-soluble vitamins are B vitamins and vitamin C. Vitamin C is ascorbic acid, which normalizes protein metabolism, and proteins for children are a source of essential amino acids.
Since children are often sick, vitamin C comes in handy because it boosts immunity. In addition, collagen is synthesized with the help of it, which is needed to increase the elasticity of the skin of children. Ascorbic acid strengthens the blood vessels of the child's body. For the normalization of the activity of the nervous system in children, vitamins of the B group are of great importance, which are valuable for all types of metabolism: protein, fat, carbohydrate.
The choice of vitamins depending on the age of the child
Vitamins must be selected based on the age of the child. The thing is that, according to age periodization, in a particular period of growth and development, children need certain substances. So, there are 3 critical periods of vitamin deficiency: from 2 to 5 years, from 5 to 7 and from 7 to 12.
At the nursery age, children actively develop bone tissue, including teeth. Therefore, it is very important to replenish the deficiency of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium in the child's body.
At 5 years old, children are actively growing. At 7 they go to school. During this period, vitamin preparations containing iodine, zinc, vitamins of group B and C are of great importance. They improve brain activity, develop memory and thinking.
In the next period, it is advisable for younger students to use vitamins that have a full set of trace elements. Thus, on the basis of all of the above, we can conclude that when choosing vitamins for your child, you must take into account his individual characteristics, age and degree of vitamin deficiency.