Vitamins for the human body are important at any age, but children especially need them. A survey conducted by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences showed that hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamins) in children is a very common phenomenon. In this regard, there is a need for the correct selection of vitamins or vitamin complexes.

When a child needs vitamins
The need for vitamins in a baby appears even in the mother's womb. He gets them if his mother eats properly and rationally, and also takes a special vitamin complex, including folic acid.
In the first six months of life, the need for taking pharmacy vitamins disappears. The baby gets all the nutrients from breast milk or formula.
After six months, consult a pediatrician, he will take into account all age characteristics and decide whether your baby needs additional vitamins. Perhaps he will advise taking vitamin D3, which is the prevention of rickets, especially in the autumn-winter period.
Remember also that the greatest need for a vitamin complex arises in the off-season. The child's body, weakened after winter, especially requires nutrients.
Do not neglect the advice of a doctor, as an excess of vitamins can be even more dangerous than a lack of them.
What vitamins does a baby need
To understand what vitamins your child needs, look at some of the signs. With a lack of vitamin A, the child's eyesight may deteriorate, and sometimes skin problems appear. If the body lacks vitamin C, neuropsychic and physical development is impaired, appetite decreases.
With an insufficient amount of vitamin D, sleep worsens, sweating increases, and the likelihood of rickets development appears. With a lack of B1, fatigue and irritability increase, nails and hair become brittle, and with a lack of B6, anemia, seizures or stunting may occur.
How not to be mistaken when choosing vitamins
Pay attention to whether the drug is appropriate for the child's age. Do not buy vitamins that are intended for older children, so as not to face hypervitaminosis or other unpleasant consequences.
Choose vitamins only from conscientious manufacturers that have positively established themselves on the market. You can even ask the seller for the appropriate certificate confirming the quality of the product, or check whether the drug you have chosen is entered in the state register.
Buy only natural vitamins. They are more expensive than synthetic counterparts, but they do not contain colorants, flavor enhancers, preservatives and flavorings. Especially children with allergies need them.
Vitamins are available in the form of tablets, candy and syrup. You can choose any form of release convenient for you. The main thing is to keep vitamins out of the reach of children.