Unfortunately, allergies in children are now not at all uncommon. How can you help your child cope with the manifestations of allergic dermatitis?

Step 1
First of all, you need to see a doctor.
In the meantime, eliminate any allergens as much as possible.
Step 2
You can eliminate food allergens by limiting the diet to boiled in water without salt, sugar and oil, rice and potatoes. Adhering to this diet is recommended for 24 to 72 hours. At the same time, during the day, instead of drinks, give rehydron diluted in water in the calculation: the contents of one sachet per one liter of water. Alternate rehydron with polysorb diluted in water at the rate of one tablespoon of powder per liter of water. Approximately 50 milliliters of Polysorb or Rehydron solution per dose. Also, along with a diet and an adsorbent, it is recommended to take an antihistamine. Your doctor or pharmacist will recommend it.
Step 3
Allergic dermatitis can manifest itself not only under the influence of food allergens. A reaction to household chemicals, dust, baby cosmetics, fish food, pet hair, and so on is also likely.
Thoroughly clean all carpets, it is better to remove them altogether during treatment or vacuum them at least twice a day. Do a wet mop daily. Remove all soft toys that tend to accumulate dust.
Also, get rid of all toys that may contain toxic substances. Such toys are easy to recognize by the strong smell of plastic and chemicals. As a rule, these are cheap toys of dubious quality.
Step 4
Change the brand of laundry detergent and baby cosmetics. These products, even labeled "hypoallergenic", can cause severe manifestations of allergic dermatitis.
Try to limit your child's interactions with pets. Do not allow to touch the birdcages, do not feed the fish in the presence of the child.