Teenage depression is a serious problem that parents often do not know how to handle. We offer some useful advice from a psychologist.

Don't ignore your teen's problems
Symptoms of depression are apathy, increased tearfulness and irritability, loss of interest in what used to bring joy, isolation, restriction and refusal to communicate with peers and relatives. And also migraines, dizziness, stomach upset, unreasonable "just feeling unwell." Having noticed similar symptoms in a teenager, you cannot ignore them. After all, teenage depression can lead not only to abandonment of studies or the sports section, but to serious problems, including suicide.
Gently and unobtrusively ask your teenager what is the reason for his depressed mood. But do not hope for a clear answer - it is unlikely that a teenager himself understands the changes that are happening to him. The main thing is to demonstrate support, participation, attention to the problems of the teenager.
Don't scold or blame your teen
The main mistake of parents who face the manifestation of adolescent depression in their child is the accusation of laziness, weak character, attempts to "stir up" and calls to "get together." It is especially difficult for adolescent boys who are forbidden by cultural stereotypes to become limp. Shaming and scolding a teenager can only lead to worsening depression. After all, a teenager already feels that he is not needed by anyone, not understood, abandoned. And if constant reproaches are added to this, then you can think about settling accounts with life.
Teenage depression is a disease
It is important for parents to understand that teenage depression is not an excuse, not a fiction, it really is a disease, like the flu or sore throat. And just like any disease, it can lead to complications if you "drive it inside", do not attach importance. It is important to understand and eliminate not so much the symptoms as the cause.
During adolescence, there is a human being. Unrequited first love, academic failure, conflicts with peers - a teenager, not having the protection of life experience, perceives these factors very painfully and any of them, against the background of physiological, hormonal, and psychological changes, can cause depression. Moreover, as a rule, a combination of factors operates.
Therefore, in addition to constant support, the desire to understand the feelings of the child, unconditional acceptance of him with all his problems, parents need to turn to the help of specialists. It is worth contacting a psychologist who possesses the necessary techniques in order to help a teenager go through this difficult age, regaining a new "I" and the joy and fullness of life.