There is a lot of controversy over the question of whether to swing the baby. Some are categorically against, while others insist that this is a necessity. Parents have to make the decision on their own. And if you are an adherent of the second opinion, then you need to know how to swing a baby.

- −cot on wheels;
- −rocking bed;
- −stroller;
- - baby blanket.
Step 1
Each mother, of course, can choose the swing method that will suit both her and the child as much as possible. The baby can be put in a crib on wheels or in a rocking bed. Rock it gently from side to side until the baby falls asleep.
Step 2
Children often fall asleep while walking. It's good to walk in parks. The baby's lungs are saturated with oxygen and this promotes healthy sleep. You can just walk with the stroller along the paths, it is not necessary to swing it at this time, it is enough that the stroller sways to the beat of your step. Just walk and enjoy, because you need rest and fresh air too.
Step 3
Another method that many mothers use: spread a baby blanket on your bed, put your baby on it, lie down next to it and shake the baby a little, lifting the edge of the blanket.
Step 4
Well, of course, you can rock the baby in your arms. While this method is considered the most tedious for a mom, it is more enjoyable for your baby. After all, this is how your baby can feel your warmth, tenderness and love. And that's why he calms down and falls asleep. After all, for all nine months of gestation, you were the whole world for him. And it is important for the baby to feel that you are near. Just walk around with a baby in your arms, you can swing it while sitting on a bed, chair, etc. Choose any method that is convenient for you, try not to overload your back.