How to keep your baby busy? This question comes up quite regularly. Even favorite toys sometimes become boring. A small child can tinker with inserts for quite a long time, and besides, such an activity is of considerable benefit. The kid learns to compare objects in shape and size, while developing fine motor skills. You can make the inserts yourself.

- - PVC tiles of different colors or plywood;
- - a sharp knife;
- - awl;
- - jigsaw;
- - oil paints;
- - varnish;
- - sandpaper;
- - drawing accessories;
- - pictures depicting figurines of animals, birds, fish, flowers.
Step 1
The insert is a plate with slots into which the figures are inserted. Start with the most basic geometric shapes. It is best to make such a game from the most ordinary PVC tiles, it is quite easy to cut with an ordinary sharp stationery knife. There are also special knives for linoleum, you can buy this at any hardware store. Select tiles in two colors. In one, you will make slits. Another will serve as material for the figures.
Step 2
Using a compass, draw circles on the second tile. They must be of different sizes. To make it easier to cut them, make holes in several places with an awl or drill. Cut out the circles. Try to keep them even. Sand the edges gently to avoid chipping. Of course, while playing with toys made of such material, the child does not risk planting a splinter. But any game has to look beautiful.
Step 3
Place the circles on the tiles intended for the field. Circle them. This is easiest to do with a ballpoint pen. Make a slot for each circle, then sandpaper the slices. In the same way, you can make inserts with squares and other geometric shapes. You can use plywood instead of tiles, but then you need a jigsaw. All parts of the plywood game are best painted in bright colors or varnished.
Step 4
Figures can be anything you like. For example, pick up pictures of animal silhouettes. It is desirable that they are about the same size. They can be found on the Internet, scaled in any graphics editor, printed and translated onto tiles or plywood. Try to choose figures with as few small details as possible, it will be easier to cut them out.