In order for the child to master the speech faster and easier, he needs to be helped with the help of simple activities and exercises that can be used from the very first days of life.

It all starts with the diaper
When a baby is just born, it may seem to parents that he doesn’t need anything other than eating and sleeping, and somehow they don’t even think about helping to master speech. In fact, the development of speech begins from the very first days of life, because the baby already hears everything and sees well at close range. By talking to your child, you provide an impetus for the development of speech skills. Speak as often as possible, comment on your every action, sing songs. In this case, it is desirable that the child sees how your lips move, what emotions your face expresses when pronouncing a particular word.
An important contribution to the development of speech is made by the development of fine motor skills of the hands. The movements of the hands and especially the fingers affect the part of the brain that is responsible for speech development. That is why from the very birth it is necessary to play finger games with the child, do massages and exercises in which the fingers are involved.
Speech development in preschool age
To teach a child to speak as soon as he comes out of infancy, it is necessary to expand his social circle. It is best if the baby will communicate with peers. Such communication can be obtained at the playground, but it is even better to go with the child to some developmental children's center. Here, experienced teachers will teach children to communicate with each other and show many interesting and useful games. In your free time, go with the baby to visit relatives and friends: the more people the child contacts, the better for the development of speech.
Don't stop paying attention to fine motor development. Starting from 1, 5 years old, you need to draw and sculpt with a child: in the process of sculpting and drawing, fine motor skills are especially actively involved. When you notice that the child has stopped dragging everything into his mouth, it will be useful to play with some small objects - buttons, coins, beans, cereals.
Reading contributes very well to speech development. Buy children's books with bright pictures and simple texts and read to your child. From about two years old, children are able to memorize small simple quatrains, such as those of A. Borto. Poems develop well not only speech, but also memory. For the same purpose, tell the child fairy tales; during the story, pause so that the child can continue the story himself.
While engaging in speech development with your child, remember that children begin to speak at different ages and in different ways. Someone gradually learns one word after another, while someone is silent for a long time, but immediately begins to speak in sentences.