One of the key points in a child's development is full-fledged language skills. Each age has its own standards. If the baby does not speak well, do not despair, there are special exercises that you can do to "make the silent talker".

Puzzles, mosaics, plasticine, children's books
Step 1
Communicate with the child, answer his questions in detail, do not get rid of interjections and monosyllabic sentences. Discuss what you saw with him, ask him to share his impressions. Active family communication will help your baby to quickly master speech skills, especially if there are older children in the family. Friendship with peers also helps expand vocabulary.
Step 2
Ask your child questions, specify what exactly he wanted to say. Do not fulfill the wishes of the baby, guessing them by gestures, otherwise he will not have the motivation to put his thoughts into words. Do not imitate childish babble. The child must hear competent speech and learn the correct pronunciation.
Step 3
To improve speech for little silent people, games that develop fine motor skills are very useful. Constructors, puzzles, mosaics, plasticine modeling - these exciting activities have a positive effect on the development of a child's speech. Do finger gymnastics to the baby: massage each finger, accompanying the exercise with funny poems (magpie-thief).
Step 4
Read books aloud to your child as often as possible. Children's reading should be varied: poems, fairy tales, stories, children's encyclopedias. This will expand the child's vocabulary and make speech more expressive. Discuss what you read, ask to retell the plot in your own words. Such reading will become conscious and will be of the greatest benefit!
Step 5
Memorize poems, songs and tongue twisters. Such activities train memory, improve diction, and also help the child learn to speak clearly and beautifully. There are special verses for the development of speech, read and repeat them with your child.
Step 6
If you have problems with pronunciation, there are simple exercises to help you improve your child's speech. It is enough to do them for 5-10 minutes a day. Ask your child to do the following manipulations:
- lick your upper lip with your tongue;
- click your tongue like a horse claps its hooves;
- open your mouth wide and reach your upper teeth with your tongue.
As a result, the mobility of the speech organs will improve and the bridle will stretch.
Step 7
If the speech problems are serious enough, the child practically does not speak or does not pronounce most of the sounds, seek help from a speech therapist. The specialist will examine the child and select an individual training program for him.