Infertility is a terrible sentence. And sometimes the last hope remains for the IVF procedure - in vitro fertilization. The high cost of such medical care sometimes becomes an insurmountable obstacle for young couples. But you can go through this procedure at the expense of a special program of the state, for this you need to complete several steps.

Step 1
First of all, you need to contact the antenatal clinic at your place of residence. The gynecologist must collect the necessary package of documents (an extract from the medical history, containing information about the patient's health status, research results, analyzes, treatment performed, recommendations on the need for an IVF procedure), sign them with the head of the antenatal clinic and submit them to the commission that considers all similar applications.
Step 2
It is necessary to write an application to the regional Ministry of Health. The application must be accompanied by a copy of the passport, an extract from the medical history (with the obligatory conclusion of the attending physician about the need to use assisted reproductive technologies), a copy of the patient's compulsory pension insurance certificate, and a copy of the compulsory medical insurance policy. After submitting an application, it is considered by the commission within up to 10 days. The commission directs the patient to undergo IVF and issues a voucher for the provision of high-tech medical care.
Step 3
If a positive decision is made at the commission, then all documents are sent to the federal IVF center at the patient's place of residence. In the future, the clinic's management decides on the date of the patient's admission. It is necessary to submit to the IVF department of the medical center: a voucher for the provision of high-tech medical care, an extract from the medical history, test results, a copy of the passport, a conclusion signed by the chief staff and freelance specialists of your region (this is done at the commission considering the application for IVF). The decision is made in a period from 3 (if the patient is present in person) to 10 days (if the documents are sent by mail), about which the attending physician of the antenatal clinic will inform the patient. He will also issue a referral for free infertility treatment.