How Human Attention Works

How Human Attention Works
How Human Attention Works

Table of contents:


Attention is the ability of a person to concentrate on cognitive processes or on one specific object in order to know it. Attention is focused and focused on the study of a specific object.

How human attention works
How human attention works


Scientific literature, illustrations such as "Find three differences", scientific publications, articles on this issue


Step 1

Attention as a manifestation of human activity is expressed in cognitive processes. Psychologists disagree on this issue. Some researchers argue that there cannot be such a separate and independent process. Attention in this case can act only as one side of the entire mental process of the individual. Other scientists are sure that attention can represent an independent state of a person, that is, some specific internal process that has its own characteristics.

Step 2

Among the properties of human attention, the following qualities stand out. Attention has stability, which is the ability of a person to concentrate on the object of study for a long time. Attention is distinguished by concentration, that is, concentration on one object while distracting from everything else. Attention has such a property as switchability, that is, the ability of a person, depending on the type of activity, to switch from one object to another. Distribution of attention is the ability to disperse it in space and time. The amount of attention is the amount of information that a person is able to store and concentrate at one time.

Step 3

Physiological mechanisms of human attention are determined by the formation of a focus of increased arousal, its dominant. Thanks to this process, in a certain part of the cerebral cortex, the necessary conditions are created for a more complete and accurate reflection of a significant moment or object. Anything that has nothing to do with this is simply blocked. The physiology of attention is also dependent on the orienting reflex. That is, it is the ability of the brain to isolate a new and unusual stimulus from the surrounding reality. This process can be accompanied by the configuration of the analyzers. The activity of the activity of the brain also increases at the moment of the greatest concentration of the function of attention on any object.

Step 4

The development of a person's attention depends on its initial form. It can be higher and lower. It depends on what kind of attention, voluntary or involuntary, is involved at the moment. Involuntary attention can be manifested without visible stimuli and volitional efforts on the part of a person. Voluntary attention can only be manifested when a person has a specific goal.
