All mothers understand that it is necessary to engage in the development of young children, but not everyone understands how to fit these activities into the overall busy schedule of the working day. It's actually not that difficult if you organize yourself and prioritize correctly.

Step 1
1. Try to analyze your typical pastime: what exactly you do and how long it takes for a certain activity. Most likely, upon closer examination, you will find that at least one hour every day, or even more, is spent watching TV, hanging on the Internet, talking on the phone with little meaning or cleaning toys, which after 10 minutes will again take the same chaotic position …
Step 2
2. Now you need to decide how long things take, which you really can't do without. Make a list of daily things to do and estimate the approximate duration of each. Then make a list of not everyday, but important activities for you (this can be a trip to a beautician, playing sports, chatting with friends, etc.).
Step 3
3. Based on the analysis, draw up an approximate schedule for the week ahead. Oh miracle, there is some unfilled time in the schedule that you thought you didn't have. Plan this time or part of it for activities with the children. If you have children of different ages with little overlapping interests, then you will have to assign a certain segment to each of them.
Step 4
4. Plans and activities will be more real and productive if you think about what to do in advance. With children from six months to two years old, focus on the development of speech, fine motor skills, emotional sensations, teaching creativity. Children of two to four years old will be happy to play role-playing games in which they should reproduce various life situations and explain the rules of behavior to the child in a playful way. Children from two to seven years old love to listen to fairy tales and stories, draw, sculpt or build something from the designer.
Step 5
5. If you find it difficult to come up with yourself, find ideas and recommendations on the Internet for lessons with children of the age you are interested in and write these lessons with a summary in your schedule at least a week in advance. Then you will be able to prepare in advance both morally and in context, which means that you will conduct the lesson with pleasure and benefit.