It's great that now many Russian women can afford to choose where they will give birth to their child. "Of course at home" - some will say. “Only abroad” - others will answer. Yeah why not! The best clinics in the world are ready to welcome you with open arms. You just need to try a little and do everything to ensure that nothing overshadows the joy of the birth of your baby.

Step 1
Already 15-20 weeks before the upcoming birth, you need to decide exactly where you will give birth - at home or abroad. “Abroad,” you decided. Well, it's time to start acting.
Select the organization that will provide your trip.
Currently, there are both domestic travel companies in the country specializing in organizing treatment (and childbirth) abroad, and representative offices of the largest Western clinics that provide the same services.
Step 2
Select the country you would like to travel to.
When choosing a country, the cost of medical and related services is not in the last place. Most often, our compatriots go to give birth to France, Switzerland, Germany and Austria, and in recent years - also to Finland and Cyprus.
The cost of 3-4 weeks of stay in clinics in these countries is different, and quite significantly. So for medical services (excluding the cost of obtaining a visa, accommodation, air tickets and meals) you will have to pay:
in Switzerland from $ 23 to $ 27,000;
in Germany and France from 18 to 20,000;
in Austria - 14,000 and above;
in Finland - from 7000;
in Cyprus - 3-4,000. The cost of related services, on average, is as follows:
preliminary consultation and examination - $ 500 - $ 1800;
hotel accommodation - $ 50 - $ 250 per day;
Ultrasound scan - $ 125 - $ 190;
Translation services - $ 30-50 per hour.
Step 3
If you have not yet registered with the antenatal clinic, then be sure to do it. The test results and an extract from the medical history obtained in the antenatal clinic are transferred to the organization of your choice. After the appropriate processing of documents, and taking into account your wishes, a calculation of the cost of medical services will be drawn up. If everything suits you, a contract is drawn up with the clinic.
Step 4
Start applying for a visa only after receiving an invitation from the clinic. The invitation allows you to obtain the status of a private client, which, in turn, allows you to shorten the visa processing time for you and ensures the smooth obtaining of a visa for your accompanying relatives. In addition, it will have a positive effect on the conditions of your stay in the clinic.
Step 5
A very important point: decide in advance which airline you will fly with to give birth. Most airlines set limits on the duration of pregnancy for pregnant passengers. However, most travel agencies will almost swear to you that there are no restrictions. Discuss in advance the issues related to the supervising company of the entire process of treatment and childbirth, your contacts with staff, solving everyday problems, and providing information to relatives.
Step 6
Decide if you want to travel to the selected clinic for an examination. The examination is carried out one month before the birth and aims to draw up a labor management plan. You can also pass the examination at home in the antenatal clinic.
Step 7
Discuss in advance the issues related to the purchase and delivery of drugs in the postpartum period, if this suddenly arises. In this case, the supervising firm must take care of all issues related to customs inspection, customs clearance and payment of taxes.
Step 8
Upon arrival home, the supervising company must translate into Russian all the documents issued to you by the clinic.