In most cases, if the child travels with one of the parents, it is recommended, in order to avoid a conflict situation, to issue the consent of the second parent to the child's departure abroad. As a rule, parents do not delve into the intricacies of the issue and draw up all the documents that may be required.

Step 1
Obtaining parental consent is not a complicated process and, in comparison with the cost of a tourist ticket, is not expensive, but at the same time it can be very useful to have minimal knowledge of your rights and obligations. The current legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the RF), in particular Federal Law No. 114 "On the procedure for leaving and entering the Russian Federation" states that a minor child can leave the Russian Federation - independently, accompanied by one parent or both, in the company of a third party, if written parental consent.
Step 2
Drawing conclusions from the above, it follows that if a child travels abroad with one of the parents, then, in fact, when leaving the Russian Federation, customs officers do not have the right to ask the consent of the second parent. But you need to understand that leaving the borders of one state, you enter the borders of another. And the legislation of a foreign state may radically differ from Russian legislation, and then the consent of the second parent may be required for the child to travel abroad.
Step 3
Countries with which the Russian Federation has signed agreements on visa-free border crossing, as a rule, do not require the consent of the second parent. But when applying for a visa to countries belonging to the Schengen area, they require the consent of the second parent to leave the child outside the Russian Federation and enter the territory of the European state. Many countries, in addition to the consent itself, require a duly certified translation of this document into the language of the receiving state. To leave the Russian Federation, a child's foreign passport or information about the child in the parent's passport, the original birth certificate, the parent's consent to leave, if required by the host party, the consent of both parents, if the child travels accompanied by a third person, will be required.
Step 4
To obtain consent from a notary, the following documents are required: passport of the child, parents, accompanying person, information about the tourist trip. Very often, many countries require to indicate in agreement the names of the countries that the child plans to visit, the length of stay in the Schengen agreement and full information about the accompanying person, such complete information is required by the countries France, Germany, the Netherlands. The validity of the parent's consent is not legally stipulated, but in theory, consent can be issued before the child reaches the age of majority. Notaries prefer to issue consent for a period of up to three months, if necessary, they can increase the validity of the document.