Educational cartoons help parents in an accessible form to tell the child about what interests him, to develop his imagination. You can watch them both online in the network and on the air of TV channels.

There are more and more good educational cartoons. If before, except for Baby Einstein, there was nothing special to watch, now the choice has increased significantly.
Developing TV channels
Recently, several TV channels have appeared at once, broadcasting educational cartoons and programs for children. Among them are the Russian version of the French TV channel TiJi, and many others.
On the TiJi TV channel, which began broadcasting in 2009, educational cartoons for preschool children are shown almost around the clock. The channel was created to help modern parents. Every day on air educational cartoons about Franklin the turtle, drawn based on the famous children's books by Paulette Bourgeois and Brenda Clark, caring bears "Harmony", Super Tom, Samsam, Trotro the donkey, Noddy, a resident of the land of fabulous toys and others. Together with cartoon characters, kids make discoveries, learn to take good care of nature, and develop their imaginations.
The TV channel broadcasts only on the Internet, however, this does not prevent it from being popular with children and their parents. The collection of cartoons presented on the site has been selected by professional psychologists and educators. All materials are designed for children from one to five years old.
Baby einstein
The Baby Einstein series of educational cartoons is designed for children from birth. Studies have confirmed the effectiveness of the impact of cartoons on child development. The Baby Einstein collection includes "Lullaby Time", "Musical Adventure", "Language Nursery" and many other cartoons, created taking into account the peculiarities of the perception of babies. The little ones will love the Baby Beethoven, Baby Bach - Musical Adventure and Baby Mozart - Music Festival series. In cartoons, musical and auditory series are successfully combined. Even toddlers who do not yet know how to crawl and walk will begin to look at the pictures on the screen.
There are 27 films in the Baby Einstein collection. With the help of puppet characters, the child will be able to learn a foreign language, seasons, body parts, animals, household items and modes of transport.
Cartoons by Robert Sahakyants
Educational cartoons by the famous Armenian director Robert Sahakyants were shot in the best traditions of the Soviet school of animation. The cartoons are intended for children between the ages of 2 and 7. Here is world history, and geography, and English, and astronomy. With the help of Sahakyants' cartoons, kids will learn to read and write, as well as get answers to many questions of interest to them.
Characters of educational cartoons in an accessible form tell children about achievements in various fields of science, invite them on an exciting journey to Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Ancient Greece, introduce them to the world of primitive people, teach the basics of mathematics, physics, chemistry and astronomy.
In addition to educational films, Robert Sahakyants is known for cartoons based on fairy tales and fables. Among them - "Look you, Shrovetide!", "Wow, talking fish!" and others.
In the variety of cartoons aimed at the development of the child, the most important thing is not to get lost to the parents. An announcement is written for each episode, giving an idea of the age for which the cartoon is designed. Parents only have to choose a video that matches the age and interests of the child.