Children are a very special people. They have their own worldview, habits and interests, which can be strikingly different from what adults are used to. If you decide to write articles for children, you will have to take into account their mental characteristics and become a child yourself for a short time.

Step 1
Decide what educational goal (if any) your article pursues, and write an outline of how you intend to convey it to the reader. Remember that the educational methods used for a teenager and a three-year-old toddler differ significantly.
Step 2
In order to attract the attention of an adult reader, you can write an article about the relationship between the sexes, but you will not be interested in this for a child audience. Choose topics that are interesting to a modern child - comic book characters, toys, food, active outdoor games, fairy tales.
Step 3
It is desirable that the chosen topic is interesting to you. You will enjoy your work, and the little reader will intuitively feel your interest and believe in what you have written. Remember your childhood, feel like a child again and write what you like.
Step 4
Determine the age of the target audience of your article and consider their vocabulary. The words used should be appropriate for the developmental level of the child.
Step 5
Don't use complex structures. Particularly difficult for children will be participial and adverbial expressions. It is best to use simple sentences that contain both subject and predicate.
Step 6
Young children love to read detailed descriptions and view pictures. Teenagers, on the other hand, go to see more specificity in the text and leaf through lengthy descriptions of nature and the surrounding interior.
Step 7
Be consistent. If in your article you talk about how delicious chocolate is, and at the end you conclude about the usefulness of vegetables, the kid will not understand your article and will prefer to forget about what he has read.
Step 8
A good article for children should be liked not only by kids, but also by adults. If possible, let readers of all ages - younger brother, friend, mother - familiarize themselves with your creation. If your critics approved of the article, feel free to publish the article.