Often, a nanny is required to provide a recommendation for employment. This is a letter of recommendation written by the previous owners of the nanny and is a characteristic that allows the new owners to decide on the choice of a candidate.

Step 1
Write your recommendation concisely, try to fit it on one A4 sheet.
Step 2
Try to write honestly, noting both the positive and negative qualities of the nanny. Her job is very responsible, as it is connected with the upbringing and care of the child, so if the nanny has any disadvantages, indicate them so that new employers know about them.
Step 3
In the letter of recommendation, indicate the general data of the nanny: name, date of birth or number of full years, passport data, place of residence. Be sure to mention her education and professional skills. Then write down the period of your cooperation with her and what was included in her terms of reference.
Step 4
In the next part of the recommendation, describe the personal qualities of the nanny, the type of character, the principle of communication with the child, how the nanny performed her duties, whether you made comments to her and for what, for what you praised, what kind of relationship she had with the child, how he perceived her and how the nanny got along with you.
Step 5
Be specific and simple. For example, the child really liked the porridge that the nanny was preparing.
Step 6
Be sure to indicate what the nanny taught the child during your cooperation, describe his achievements.
Step 7
It is good if you indicate why you are recommending this nanny to another family for the personal and professional qualities that you consider to be the most valuable.
Step 8
Write down why the nanny no longer works for you. For example, a child grew up, a nanny moved to another city or region, a desire to change a nanny to a governess, personal reasons, etc.
Step 9
At the end of the recommendation letter, write your phone number and full name. This is important so that new nanny owners or recruiting staff can call you and clarify any details about the nanny.
Step 10
Remember that the more emotionally you write a recommendation letter, the more it can tell about the person to whom it was issued.