How To Bring Down A Fever In A Child

How To Bring Down A Fever In A Child
How To Bring Down A Fever In A Child

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Most often, a high temperature in a child is not dangerous and even helps him to recover faster. But in some cases, the fever interferes with recovery, then it must be brought down. What should parents do for this?

How to bring down a fever in a child
How to bring down a fever in a child


  • - antipyretic drugs;
  • - vinegar;
  • - napkins, towels;
  • - water;
  • - warmer.


Step 1

From antipyretic drugs, take note of the candles. They are safe, comfortable, and can be supplied in case the sick baby does not want to take any drink. Offer the older children a delicious antipyretic syrup: they will drink it with pleasure. Most often, paracetamol and ibuprofen are used to relieve fever. The latter is more effective as a pain reliever. In no case do not exceed the dosage, strictly follow the instructions.

Step 2

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids with a fever, since children sweat a lot and their body is dehydrated.

Step 3

If the child is shivering, wrap him up better, you can use a heating pad.

Step 4

Start cooling procedures only when your baby's body is warm. Try bathing your baby in a lukewarm bath. In addition to alleviating the condition, this will bring him pleasure.

Step 5

You can wrap the calves of the legs and wrists with towels or napkins soaked in cool water and then wrung out well. After 10-15 minutes, wet again and wrap. Such a procedure lowers the temperature by about a degree, the child becomes lighter.

Step 6

Rubbing is very effective. To carry out them, add a little vinegar, preferably apple cider, to water (room temperature, about 24 degrees). Soak a handkerchief or any rag in it, wring out the fabric a little. Undress and wipe the child in the following sequence: palms, feet, legs, chest, tummy, back. It is very important to rub, directing movements towards the heart.
