If a child constantly scatters toys and clothes, wears things carelessly, does not want to wash and does not clean up the dishes after eating, the question arises, how to teach him neatness? After all, children often do not understand that it is customary for society to be clean and behave decently.

Step 1
Show by your own example that you need to be careful. But if the apartment is a mess, there is a pile of unwashed dishes in the kitchen, and mom and dad walk around the house in an untidy state, then at least tell your child about cleanliness and order, at least not, he will still copy the habits and behavior of his parents. Therefore, first of all, change yourself, and then teach your child to be neat and clean.
Step 2
Clean up and wash your dishes every day, put things back in place, and behave properly when eating. Then the child, looking at you, will definitely repeat all your actions. And this means that the problem of scattered toys, litter, and clothes lying around will be solved, and the behavior of the baby at the table will become exemplary.
Step 3
Turn a boring activity like cleaning toys into a fun and exciting game. Then the child will be happy to put things in order. Get some colored boxes. Allow your child to "settle" certain toys on their own in their "house". For example, dolls can "live" in a blue box, cars and other equipment - in green, soft toys - in yellow, a construction set - in red, and so on. Then turn on the music and arrange a competition who will be the first to remove the toys - a child or mom (dad). If there are two or more children, arrange a competition between them. Don't forget to praise the winner.
Step 4
Get creative with the process. Putting away toys, teach your baby to count. First up to five, then up to ten, etc. Remember or learn the names of geometric shapes, collecting cubes, balls, and any other toys. After all, they all, one way or another, consist of circles, squares, rhombuses, ovals and rectangles.
Step 5
Keep in mind that a child often does not clean up just because he does not know where to start cleaning. Help him with advice and sometimes even action. For example, suggest that the baby first fold soft toys, then dolls and their accessories, then proceed to books and magazines. And at the end, let them throw candy wrappers, stubs, bones and other garbage into the trash bucket. Be sure that he will clean everything quickly and efficiently. Don't forget to reward your little one.
Step 6
Remember, it will take a lot of effort, patience and time before you get your child to want to clean. That is why the question of how to teach accuracy must be raised when he is three years old, and not when he became an adult and independent person.