How To Wean A Child From Junk Food

How To Wean A Child From Junk Food
How To Wean A Child From Junk Food

Table of contents:


For the proper development of the body, it is important at the stage of growing up to follow a diet that excludes harmful foods. After all, what an adult organism can easily digest, a child's cannot always cope, thereby causing irreparable harm.

How to wean a child from junk food
How to wean a child from junk food


  • first meal
  • Sport section
  • family holidays
  • stories of people affected by the abuse of harmful products


Step 1

Do not eat harmful foods yourself, so that children do not see contradictions in your requirements.

Step 2

Prepare a varied menu for your child, including first courses. Monitor what your child eats at school and after coming home.

Step 3

Give food a look similar to the child's favorite. For example, compote can be served with a straw, and instead of purchased croutons, you can fry them yourself in the oven of the same shape to which the child is accustomed.

Step 4

Gradually reduce the amount of salt and spices in the children's menu.

Step 5

Together with the baby, plan a menu for a day or a week.

Step 6

More often invite guests, including friends of your child, to arrange holidays with buffets and feasts.

Step 7

Determine the days when you can eat prohibited foods. For example, on a Saturday walk in the park, you will allow your child to eat a favorite food.

Step 8

Send the child to the sports section. Educate your child about the need for a special diet for athletes.

Step 9

Show by the example of people affected by malnutrition what such abuse leads to.
